The Sorcerer's Apprentice

10:05 AM

Ngah survey2 cite pe yg menarik (mmg tGh tunggu cite Twilight Saga neh) terpndang le pLak cite neh.. aduyaii... nicolas cage? uhuu... my favorite dOwh!!! sO? jOm checkitOut!!

Walt Dis­ney Stu­dios, pro­duc­er Jer­ry Bruck­heimer and di­rec­tor Jon Turteltaub, the cre­ators of the “Na­tion­al Trea­sure” fran­chise, pre­sent 'The Sor­cer­er's Ap­pren­tice' -​-​ a com­e­dy ad­ven­ture about a sor­cer­er and his hap­less ap­pren­tice who are swept in­to the cen­ter of an an­cient con­flict be­tween good and evil. Balt­haz­ar Blake (Nico­la Cage) is a mas­ter sor­cer­er in mod­ern-​day Man­hat­tan try­ing to de­fend the city from his arch-​neme­sis, Max­im Hor­vath (Al­fred Moli­na). Balt­haz­ar can't do it alone, so he re­cruits Dave Stut­ler (Jay Baruchel), a seem­ing­ly av­er­age guy who demon­strates hid­den po­ten­tial, as his re­luc­tant pro­tégé. The sor­cer­er gives his un­will­ing ac­com­plice a crash course in the art and sci­ence of mag­ic, and to­geth­er, these un­like­ly part­ners work to stop the forces of dark­ness. It'll take all the courage Dave can muster to sur­vive his train­ing, save the city and get the girl as he be­comes 'The Sor­cer­er's Ap­pren­tice.' The screen­play is by Matt Lopez and Doug Miro & Car­lo Bernard from a screen sto­ry by Matt Lopez and Lar­ry Kon­ner & Mark Rosen­thal

The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Trailer 4 :: FOOYOH.TV - VIDEOS

rsa xsabar le pLak nk tGk cite neh uhuu....

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