9:44 AMDh la lewat sampai... dh ckp dh, sure lewat muahaha... tpi xcye!! haa kan3!! ^_^
cmner pun, sape2 bLum tgk cite ni, g r layan... nak kata takOt sangt tu xde lah... biasa2 je (tapi ada gak yg kene tarik2 kolar baju sejok hak3!) cuma, ala2 antu nipon tu mmg xabeh lah.... haish! wat la idea laen.. asyk men rangkak2 je pun... zass satu kalik!
tpi ingt2 balek lah kan, trok ek owg yg mengamalkn mende2 cenggini? tpi yelah, lau yg bakal kene tu jahatnya macm..... nenenenene tu ok lah kan... kira mmg he deserved it. Tpi lau yg hok kene tu, owg tu xwat pape kesakitan ZAHIR maupun BATIN, so? wat pe je nak santau2 gini? aduyaii! lau setakat sakit aty jak, bek kije elok2, beli umah besar, keta besar, bini besar..... chOp!! bini kene r santek2 xgitu? hentahnya lah.. mcm umie lah, kije ciput (ane de besO pun), keta besO, umah ciput, hubby besO.. hek!! xde lah beso mana pun hubby kan hubby??? kiut miut comel jak honey tingok.. ecece... kembang r tueh... haishh!..Halim and his family are blessed with happiness and wealth gained through his own growing business. On top of that, he has an understanding wife Nina who stands by his side and a lovely daughter named Tuti. Near Halim's home, there is an unrented house. Ever since the neighbour moved out from that house, Tuti sees mysterious happenings until a point where Nina begins to experience weird incidents that have never happened before. Nina's character soon changes drastically, where she becomes a lazy and hot-tempered person. Halim does not believe Nina and Tuti's story on the existence of the paranormal until one night; Halim rushes home upon hearing his wife being possessed.
Classification: PG13
Genre: Thriller / Horror
General Release Date: 10 Dec 2009
Running Time: 1 Hour 23 Minutes,
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